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  • Comprehensive daily micronutrient supply
  • Unique broad spectrum, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients
  • Balanced nutrients in their most effective bioactive form
  • Packed with powerful antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, OPC, and Curcumin to protect cells from oxidative stress
  • Includes bioactive L-5-Methylfolate from Quatrefolic® for optimal support of cell functions and the immune system
  • Features the patented Spectra® Superfood Complex with 29 carefully selected fruits, vegetables, and herbs
  • Perfectly tailored for an active lifestyle

Content: One month's supply with 90 capsules (3 capsules daily) / 30 servings



Portionsgröße: 3 Kapseln

Portionen pro Packung: 30

Empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge: 3 Kapseln

Inhaltsstoffe pro Portion (3 Kapseln) % DV*
Vitamin A (Beta-Carotin) 900mcg 112,5%*
Vitamin C (L-Ascorbinsäure) 500mg 625%*
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 20mcg 400%*
Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol-Acetat) 15mg 125%*
Vitamin K2 (Menachinon-7) 100 mcg 133.3%*
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin HCl) 3.3 mg 300%*
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin-5-Phosphat) 8 mg 571%*
Vitamin B3 (Inositolhexanicotinat (IHN)) 35 mg 219%*
Pantothensäure (Calcium-D-Pantothenat) 21 mg 350%*
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphat) 5 mg 357%*
Folat (5-MTHF-Glucosaminsalz) (Quatrefolic®) 200 mcg 100%*
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) 20 mcg 800%*
Biotin (D-Biotin) 50 mcg 100%*
Magnesium (Magnesiumbisglycinat) 100 mg 26.7%*
Zink (Zinkbisglycinat) 5 mg 50%*
Selen (Selenomethionin) 55 mcg 100%*
Kupfer (Kupferbisglycinat-Chelat) 750 mcg 75%*
Mangan (TRAACS® Manganbisglycinat-Chelat) 2 mg 100%*
Chrom (Chrompicolinat) 40 mcg 100%*
Molybdän (Natriummolybdat) 25 mcg 50%*
Jod (Kaliumiodid) 75 mcg 50%*
Spectra™ Superfood Komplex 100 mg - %
Coenzym Q10 (Ubichinon) 100 mg - %
Traubenkernextrakt (95% Proanthocyanidine) 200 mg - %
Curcumin (95% Curcuminoide) 150 mg - %

Inhaltsstoffe: Vitamin C (L-Ascorbinsäure), Traubenkernextrakt (95% Proanthocyanidine), Curcumin (95% Curcuminoide), Spectra™ (Kaffee-Ganzfruchtextrakt, Grüntee-Blattextrakt, Brokkolisprossenpulver, Zwiebelknollenextrakt, Apfelfruchtextrakt, Quercetin (aus japanischem Sophorablütenpulver), Acerolafruchtextrakt, Tomatenfruchtpulver, Brokkoli-Röschen- und Stängelpulver, Kohlpalmen (Açaí) Beerenpulver, Kurkuma-Wurzelpulver, Knoblauchknollenpulver, Basilikumblätterpulver, Oreganoblätterpulver, Cassiarindenpulver, Karottenwurzelpulver, Europäisches Holunderfruchtpulver, Mangostan-fruchtpulver, Camu-Camu-Fruchtpulver, Schwarze Johannisbeerfruchtextrakt, Blaubeer-fruchtextrakt, Himbeerfruchtpulver, Brombeerfruchtpulver, Spinatblätterpulver, Aronia melanocarpa (Schwarze Apfelbeere) Fruchtpulver, Blattkohlpulver, Süßkirschenfruchtpulver, Heidelbeerfruchtextrakt, Brassica oleracea Var. gemmifera (Rosenkohl) Sprossenpulver.), Coenzym Q10 (Ubichinon), Magnesium (Magnesiumbisglycinat), Vitamin B3 (Inositolhexanicotinat (IHN)), Pantothensäure (Calcium-D-Pantothenat), Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol-Acetat), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin-5-Phosphat), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphat), Zink (Zinkbisglycinat), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin HCl), Mangan (TRAACS® Manganbisglycinat-Chelat), Vitamin A (Beta-Carotin), Kupfer (Kupferbisglycinat-Chelat), Folsäure (5-MTHF-Glucosaminsalz) (Quatrefolic®), Vitamin K2 (Menachinon-7), Jod (Kaliumiodid), Selen (Selenomethionin), Biotin (D-Biotin), Chrom (Chrompicolinat), Molybdän (Natriummolybdat), Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin), Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol). Hydroxypropylmethylzellulose (Kapselhülle)

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Vitaminen, Mineralien und Pflanzenextrakten.

Einnahmeempfehlung:Täglich 3 Kapseln mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit einnehmen.

Empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge nicht überschreiten. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Kühl und trocken lagern. Vor direktem Sonnenlicht und Hitze fernhalten. Verfallsdatum und Chargennummer auf der Unterseite des Behälters.

*Prozentsatz der Nährstoffbezugswerte gem. VO (EU) Nr.1169/2011

All essential vitamins from A to K2

High-quality multimineral complex

With patented superfood extract

Valuable antioxidants: Coenzyme Q10, OPC, & Curcumin

Supports energy, cell repair, & immune system


With Multi ONE – Daily Vitamins, elevate your daily routine to the next level. This formula goes beyond the standard, offering comprehensive foundational support all in one product.

Multi ONE is more than just a daily vitamin boost – it’s your trusted partner, providing precisely the micronutrients you need for your active lifestyle.

Comprehensive Multi-Nutrient Support
100 % Vegan


Multi ONE offers you the perfect balance of all essential vitamins from A to K2 in their most effective bioactive form.

The formula is enhanced with essential trace elements like zinc, copper, and selenium, as well as minerals like magnesium. With high bioavailability, your body can absorb and utilize these nutrients optimally.

Featuring patented Quatrefolic® – the most effective form of folate that the body can directly use, and the Spectra® superfood complex of 29 plants and herbs, Multi ONE sets a new standard for maximum efficiency without compromise.

Balanced blend of nutrients

Highly bioavailable for optimal absorption


Powerful antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, OPC, and Curcumin, along with the patented Spectra® superfood complex, support your body in fighting free radicals.

These potent ingredients protect you from oxidative stress, helping you stay at your best every day.


Multi ONE ensures daily intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, so you can start your day full of energy. Especially valuable for athletes and those with an active lifestyle, as it supports energy metabolism, cell health, and muscle recovery.

Perfectly balanced. Multi ONE.

Optimal support for an active lifestyle


Vitamin A bis K2

  • Vitamin A: Supports vision and strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin B-Complex** (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12): Provides energy, supports metabolism, and contributes to nerve function.
  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin and joints.
  • Vitamin D: The "sunshine vitamin" that strengthens your body by helping with effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus, ensuring strong bones and teeth while supporting muscles.
  • Vitamin E: Acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your cells from oxidative stress.
  • Vitamin K2: Essential for bone health, ensuring calcium goes where it’s needed.

Mineralien & Spurenelemente

Iodine (Potassium Iodide): Supports normal thyroid function – for a balanced feeling from within.
Magnesium (Magnesium Bisglycinate): Keeps your muscles fit and helps you combat fatigue.
Zinc (Zinc Bisglycinate): Strengthens your immune system and protects your cells from oxidative stress.
Selenium (Selenomethionine): Maintains healthy hair and nails and shields your cells from oxidative stress.
Copper (Copper Bisglycinate Chelate): Supports your nervous system and keeps your connective tissue strong.
Manganese (as TRAACS® Manganese Bisglycinate Chelate): Contributes to connective tissue formation and protects your cells from oxidative stress.
Chromium (Chromium Picolinate): Helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels.
Molybdenum (Sodium Molybdate): Supports the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids.

Folate (Quatrefolic®)

Quatrefolic® is the most bioactive form of folate (Vitamin B9) that your body can directly and efficiently utilize. Unlike conventional folic acid supplements, Quatrefolic® does not need to be converted first, providing optimal support for cell functions, energy production, and immune health.

Spectra® Superfood Complex

Spectra® is a powerful superfood complex made from 29 fruits, vegetables, and herbs – from apples to acai berries, including broccoli, spinach, and basil. It provides a wide range of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Scientific studies show that Spectra® can increase nitric oxide levels and enhance oxygen utilization in your cells.

Nitric oxide, also known as N.O., plays a crucial role in blood vessel dilation, which is essential for cardiovascular health. For athletes, an elevated N.O. level is especially beneficial as it helps transport oxygen more efficiently to the muscles.

Coenzym Q10 (Ubichinon)

Coenzyme Q10 in its ubiquinone form is the most bioavailable version of this essential nutrient, allowing for direct absorption and utilization by the body. It plays a crucial role in cellular energy production and supports optimal organ function. Additionally, Coenzyme Q10 acts as an antioxidant, protecting your cells from harmful free radicals.

Grape Seed Extract (95% Proanthocyanidins)

Grape Seed Extract is renowned for its high polyphenol content, particularly oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC), which act as antioxidants. In Multi ONE, these ingredients provide your body with valuable phytonutrients.

Curcumin (95% Curcuminoids)

Curcumin is derived from the root of the turmeric plant. This golden super-spice, well-known in traditional Indian medicine, provides a high concentration of curcuminoids, valued for their beneficial effects.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Dominik M.


Samira M.

Ich habe das produkt neu bestellt, es hilft mir ich komme leichter aus dem bett, weil mein vitamin mangel gedeckt wird.
Definitiv empfehlenswert kauft es euch wenn ihr könnt!

Overall perfect

Ordered the Multi Vitamins and they‘re really good. The delivery time was ~4 Days
It’s a 5 Stars for me